Tag Archives: plugin
TimThumb Vulnerability Uncovered
About two weeks ago a vulnerability in a PHP plugin that is quite popular in performing image resizing tasks, and that I’d incorporated into my WEBphysiology Portfolio Plugin, was uncovered. I found out based upon an email that came out of my local WordPress Meetup group. The issue had to do with
The History of WordPress
Very cool infographic on the power and prevalence of WordPress in blogging and CMS. Not only is it well crafted but has the support of many plugin and theme developers.
WEBphysiology Portfolio Climbs to New Heights
The WEBphysiology Portfolio WordPress plugin has grown a lot in a short two months since its birth. New features like ShrinkTheWeb.com thumbnailing and more control over the end user interface make it a must have addition to your WordPress powered website.
WEBphysiology Portoflio Plugin Released!
If you need an expanded-list style portfolio for your WordPress site, or a different kind of image gallery, please take a look at our WEBphysiology Portfolio plugin. It is our first publicly released WordPress plugin and our attempt to give back just a little to all of those developers from whom we’ve benefited.
Foray into WordPress Themes and Plugins
During much of the past 20 years the main lifeblood of, first, Software Solution Specialists, and now JVHM, Inc., has been to develop custom client-server software applications. Applications have ranged from Client Relationship Management (CRM) systems to HR systems to barcode labeling systems and
WordPress Plugins Worth Mentioning
I always have a few WordPress plugins incorporated into my website designs. Why wouldn’t I? They save me time, which equates to my clients’ money, and often provides solutions that are more robust or integrated than I would have the time to code myself.
Automatic WordPress Backup
The Automatic WordPress Backup plugin by Dan Coulter makes it easy to perform the all important backup of your complete WordPress website. A site backup plan is critical, now it’s painless too!
Updating WordPress Plugins
WEBphysiology has produced a video that will help you through the process of maintaining any plugins that you may be using in your WordPress powered website.
Auto Thickbox Plugin by Semiologic
In my search for a WordPress plugin to add a thickbox image pop-up I found Auto Thickbox by Denis de Bernardy with Semiologic. The plugin works great and is customizable enough to cover my needs. This how-to video shows you it in action.
Adding a WordPress Plugin
WEBphysiology has produced a video that will help you through the process of adding a plugin to your WordPress powered site including plugin selection, installation and activation.